2.1. Efficiency of algorithms

Big O

"Big O" refers to a way of rating the efficiency of an algorithm. It is only a rough estimate of the actual running time of the algorithm, but it will give you an idea of the performance relative to the size of the input data.

An algorithm is said to be of order O(expression), or simply of order expression (where expression is some function of n, like n2 and n is the size of the data) if there exist numbers p, q and r so that the running time always lies below between p.expression+q for n > r. Generally expression is made as simple and as small as possible.

For example, the following piece of code executes the innermost code (n2 - n) / 2, and the whole expression for the running time will be a quadratic. Since this lies below n2 for all n > 100, the algorithm is said to have order O(n2).

for i := n downto 2 do
  h := 1;
  for j := 2 to i do
   if list[j] > list[h] then h := j;
  temp := list[h];
  list[h] := list[i];
  list[i] := list[temp];

(this is the algorithm for Selection Sort)

How fast is fast enough?

This depends on several factors, but mainly the size of the input data. In general, O(nx) is considered reasonable (where x is a small constant) while O(xn) is considered unreasonable unless n is going to be really small. O(nx) is generally referred to as polynomial time.

However, if n is reasonably large (e.g. 1000) then O(n2) is reasonable while O(n4) is unreasonable. A good rule of thumb is to substitute the value of n into the expression, then divide by a number between 10 million and 100 million to get a rough time in seconds (use 100 million for very short, simple inner loops and 10 million for complex inner loops).

Another expression that sometimes insinuates itself in Big O expressions is log n. This is often the case in recursive algorithms which split the data in half at every stage, and log n is proportional to the number of levels of recursion. log n grows extremely slowly and is while it looks similar to n it is actually much closer to 1. The base of the logarithm is not given since this only scales the result, but it is usually derived from a log base 2. However recursive algorithms usually have high overhead so this should be accounted for when applying the rule of thumb above.

What if the running time isn't fixed?

In many cases, the running time depends heavily on the nature of the input data. One example is a Linear Search, in which you might find the item you're looking for right immediately but you might have to search through the entire list. In this situation, the worst case running time is used, in this case order O(n). Sometimes average running times are given (e.g. Quick Sort has a worst case running time of order O(n2), but an average time of order O(n.log n)). However, this is quite hard to calculate.

Choosing an algorithm

Choosing an algorithm isn't a case of simply picking the fastest one and implementing it. Especially in a competition, you will also have to balance this against the time it will take you to code the algorithm. In fact you should use the simplest algorithm that will run in the time provided, since you generally get no more points for a faster but more complex algorithm. In fact it is sometimes worth implementing an algorithm that you know will not be fast enough to get 100%, since 90% for a slow, correct algorithm is better than 0% for a fast but broken one.

When choosing an algorithm you should also plan what type of data structures you intend to use. The speed of some algorithms depends on what types of data structures they are combined with.

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Last updated Sun Nov 28 22:04:38.0000000000 2004. Copyright Bruce Merry (bmerry '@' gmail dot. com).