2.7. Shortest path

One of the most basic and common problems in graph theory is to establish the shortest route between two nodes. In many cases the graph itself is not obvious. For example the problem may require the quickest way of solving a puzzle like Rubik's Cube. In this case the nodes are states and the edges are valid transitions.

Floyd's Algorithm

Floyd's Algorithm solves a slightly different problem: it computes the minimum distance between every pair of nodes, without computing the routes themselves. What is particularly nice about Floyd's algorithm is that it very simple and very efficient, so even if you only need the distance between a few pairs of nodes, it may still be useful. Unfortunately while Floyd's algorithm is simple to remember and implement, it is not at all clear why it works. I'm going to state the algorithm, then attempt to explain it. However it's sometimes best just to go away and think about it, and maybe try a few examples yourself.

Floyd's algorithm is best stated in code. The array adj is initialised to the adjacency matrix of distances (INF being a large constant meaning no edge), and it is modified in place to become the matrix of shortest distances.

for y := 1 to N do
  for x := 1 to N do
    if adj[x][y] <> INF then
      for z := 1 to N do
        if (adj[y][z] <> INF) and (adj[x][y] + adj[y][z] < adj[x][z]) then
          adj[x][z] := adj[x][y] + adj[y][z];

As one can see, the inner loop is extremely tight. It is also extremely important that the order of the loops is correct.

To explain the algorithm, one needs to introduce notation. Let [X, Y, Q] represent the shortest distance from X to Y, using intermediate nodes 1, 2, ... Q only, taking the value INF if no such path exists. Floyd's algorithm is based on the observations that

[X, Z, 0] = adj[X][Z]
[X, Z, Y] = min([X, Z, Y - 1], [X, Y, Y - 1] + [Y, Z, Y - 1])
[X, Z, N] = shortest path(X->Z)

At the start of each iteration of the outer loop, adj[X][Z] represents [X, Z, Y - 1] for the particular value of Y used in the loop; at the end, it represents [X, Z, Y]. Looking closely at the loop you may notice some ordering conflicts: the values adj[x][y] and adj[y][z] may in fact represent [X, Y, Y] and [Y, Z, Y]. However it is easy to see that [X, Y, Y] = [X, Y, Y - 1] and [Y, Z, Y] = [Y, Z, Y - 1] so this does not make a difference.

There are two other things worth noticing about Floyd's algorithm. The first is that it makes no assumptions about symmetry; it works perfectly well on directed graphs. The second is that apart from giving you shortest paths, it also tells you which paths exist at all. A very slight modification of the algorithm gives you Warshall's algorithm for determining precisely this (known as transitive closure). In fact the algorithms are so similar that they are often referred to as "the Floyd-Warshall algorithm".

Finally, one should consider the efficiency of Floyd's algorithm: this is very easy since there are three nested loops from 1 to N, so the efficiency is clearly O(N3). It is tempting to think that it is more efficient for sparse graphs, because of the first if test. However as the algorithm progresses, the adj array rapidly becomes populated, so the if test has little effect on big-O time. What big-O analysis doesn't reveal is that the constant factor is very small. In practical situations Floyd's algorithm may still be faster on sparse graphs than algorithms that have better theoretical performance.

Dijkstra's algorithm

Dijkstra's algorithm finds the shortest path between a specific node and all other nodes. This seems to be unnecessarily wasteful (only one target is required), but in fact the extra information comes for free).

While the algorithm is running, the nodes are divided into three sets: the nodes that we are busy processing, the nodes we have finished processing and the nodes we haven't considered yet. All the nodes we are busy processing sit in a priority queue, and the priority is the length of the best path from A to the node found so far. Initially A is placed in the priority queue with priority 0. Then the following process is repeated until we finish processing B (or until the priority queue is empty, if we want to find the shortest path to all other nodes). P(X) is the priority of node X and XY is the length of edge XY.

  1. Pop the node with the lowest priority off the priority queue. Call this node V. P(V) is the length of the shortest path from A to V.
  2. Mark V as finished processing.
  3. Loop through all of V's neighbours that we haven't finished processing. Say W is the current neighbour being considered.
  4. If W isn't in the priority queue yet or it is but has a priority higher than P(V)+VW then

The length of the path to B is P(B). To construct the path itself, follow the stored pointers from B: they form a shortest path going back to A. It is sometimes convenient to apply the algorithm from B to A instead of from A to B, since the path itself then comes out from A to B instead of from B to A.

The algorithm doesn't specify how to implement the priority queue. Using a heap results in an O((E+V)log V) algorithm which is good for sparse graphs, while using an unsorted list results in an O(V2) algorithm which is better for dense graphs.

Note that if the graph is unweighted, then the priority queue can be replaced by a regular queue and this will be more efficient.

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Last updated Sun Oct 2 14:46:03.0000000000 2011. Copyright Bruce Merry (bmerry '@' gmail dot. com).